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Water Quality

Household water supplies travel through many channels that can often leave drinking water carrying undetected contaminants. Sources of contamination can include:

  • Hazardous household wastes
  • Septic systems
  • Lawn and garden chemicals
  • Leaking fuel storage tanks
  • Animal waste
  • Agricultural chemicals
  • Landfills
  • Leaching of metals from plumbing systems

Water testing can help identify these contaminants and determine the best treatment options. In many cases, water treatment systems can be installed to help deliver safer water that looks, tastes, and smells better.

Water Testing and Treatment with Bill Trombly

When we test your water, we primarily seek to identify tannins, manganese, and total dissolved solids (TDS) and we also assess the hardness, PH, and iron levels of the water. Whether you have a well or use city water, you can stand to benefit from our water treatment systems.

Based on water test results and the identified contaminants, certain water filters can be installed to eliminate these potentially harmful toxins. Total home filtration systems provide a convenient, economical, and sustainable alternative to water filter pitchers, kitchen faucet filters and bottled water.

While there are many different treatment options and systems available, each is effective at treating different problems; no single technology can provide a broad spectrum filtration. The professionals at Bill Trombly Plumbing, Heating and Cooling will be sure to fit you with a system that will meet your needs and significantly improve the quality of water in your home.

Click Here to Schedule Water Testing/Treatment